The all-new MailLiner from Muller Martini provides maximum automation for the collating of advertising materials. Based on the proven FlexLiner newspaper inserting system, the inserter is specifically designed for more efficiency, lower cost and is coupled to the FlexPack bundle builder.
The machine was extremely well received at a recent postal show in Europe where many direct mailers of unaddressed advertising are being burdened with high wage costs for the gathering and distribution of insert sets. The MailLiner’s highly inventive process saves time, labor and materials. It utilizes one of the job’s inserts as a wrapper. This insert is then folded over the other assembled and collected free standing inserts (FSIs) with a unique air blade mechanism. The method is also highly flexible, as individual inserts can have different sizes without impacting quality or performance.
Advantages of the MailLiner include:
• Flexible collation of inserts sets. Inserts are gathered using the MailLiner and finished with an insert that serves as a jacket around them.
• Cost reduction. The MailLiner’s significant automation greatly reduces labor costs. What’s more, the gathering system eliminates the need for jackets or carriers (such as wraps or bags), another cost savings which is also environmentally friendly.
• Maximum process reliability. The products are guided reliably from the insert gathering section to bundle building and are mechanically secured at all times. That provides for a high-quality insert set and guarantees optimum process reliability.
• Revenue opportunity. Since the folded-over piece is the most noticed in the insert set, it can demand a premium rate.
The MailLiner’s high-performance, reliable folding system provides newspapers and direct mail companies with an unparalleled solution for error-free, automatic collating of inserts, allowing them to improve productivity, increase quality, and significantly reduce manual work. What’s more, it offers an opportunity to expand product range and generate new revenue streams.