Multifunction products (MFPs) allow users to produce high-quality output and versatile applications in a cost=effective manner.
The opportunity for photo-quality applications is expanding.
Accurate color depends on color calibration and management strategies.
While standalone wide format scanners have their place in the industry, today’s multifunction—copy, scan, and print—printers (MFPs) are gaining in popularity.
Back in the 70s, industry commentators were talking about the paperless office and forecasted a future where all documents would be stored digitally—some 40 years later, and we still haven’t got there—but it isn’t for want of trying.
As digital print technologies target packaging applications, interested digital print providers consider the equipment and software investments needed to add the offering.
Print providers benefit from the latest advancements in packaging layout software.
Digital envelope printing solutions allow commercial and in-house printers to easily and cost effectively add value to direct mail.
A colorful palette or vivid imagery catches the eye when opening the mailbox. Among a sea of B&W envelopes, colors and graphics grab the attention of a consumer.
Digital print has entered the mainstream. For many years, companies such as Heinz, Kleenex, and Kellogg’s offered personalized branding on their iconic products
Direct mail is a staple found in many commercial print houses While the application itself isn’t new, digital propels it to great heights.
When a company is able to successfully manage data, variable printing becomes simplified.
02.25.2025 MGX just launched ReadyMAG, a pre-magnetized paper...
02.24.2025 Crawford Technologies, a leading provider of innovative...
02.28.2025 The first-ever Print On Demand (POD) Summit brought together ...
02.26.2025 Registration for Edge Long Beach, the flagship...
02.26.2025 DPI Laboratory, a specialty digital print innovation company...
Digitally printed labels make up a small, but growing segment of the overall market...
Magnetic signage is useful for promotional reasons, but it’s also fun to work with the medium as a design aesthetic.
Web to print (W2P) bring many advantages to a variety of print environments. Depending on the focus of the provider, certain features and functions are more essential.
Web to print (W2P) tools help expand a print provider’s reach outside of the local area, improve productivity of standard products, and improve client relationships.
Transit graphics are often purchased by big brands to promote a marketing message. However, the Cool Science project...