Crawford Technologies, provider of innovative document solutions that streamline, improve and manage customer communications, announced today it will be hosting a complementary pre-conference workshop at Xploration 18 on the importance of providing accessible documents Monday, April 16 from 1:00 to 4:30 p.m. With upcoming Section 508 changes and new global regulations, most organizations know that they need to make accessible documents available to their blind, partially sighted and cognitively disabled customers, but may not be clear on the best strategy for doing so. This hands-on session will break down the steps an organization needs to take to implement accessible documents across the organization—from transaction to published documents.
The educational workshop will be led by Crawford Technologies experts Dennis Quon, EDP, document accessibility services development manager, Aimée Ubbink, EDP, PMP, document accessibility specialist, and Scott Baker, EVP. Topics will cover the many factors that should be considered in producing accessible documents, what strategies are available to automate the process, and how to ensure an inclusive and positive customer experience. Additionally, the Crawford Technologies team will help participants fine-tune their current strategies while recommending an action plan to help each organization achieve its accessibility goals.
“We are excited to be hosting this educational and informative pre-conference program at Xploration 18,” said Ernie Crawford, president & CEO of Crawford Technologies. “We have designed the format to be an interactive experience full of exercises, demonstrations and discussions intended to help organizations create a plan to achieve the dual goals of maintaining regulatory compliance and meeting their customers’ needs for document accessibility.”
For more information or to register, visit: cvent.com/events/xploration-18/custom-19-7ee0d6e9fa6e464cb55cdcaeba6c90cc.aspx