MBO America announces a new white paper, “How Modular Finishing Technology Can Help Streamline Postpress,” highlighting the innovative, adaptive and scalable finishing systems required to keep pace with the production demands of the digital print revolution. A free, companion webinar discussing ”How To Streamline Postpress with A Holistic Approach to Finishing,” will be sponsored by MBO America and hosted by NAPCO Media on Aug. 29 at 2:00 p.m. EST/11:a.m. PST.
They Want It When?
In explaining why conventional postpress can’t support the demands of today’s digital print market, MBO’s new white paper asserts, “Customers buying print on demand want it now, and they don’t have patience for excuses about delays in the bindery. They also expect printers to be able to handle their requests for unusual formats and special finishing touches on the same tight schedule.”
MBO also maintains that postpress departments that are able to finish products without gaps or interruptions can greatly reduce time-to-market. However, “Achieving this degree of integration means…. Embracing new postpress technology lets printers consolidate processes into efficient solutions cope with the short runs, tight turnarounds, and custom requirements of on-demand production.”
Think Holistically
The new white paper contends that the best advice for print providers ready to invest in new postpress solutions is to think holistically: To see finishing as part of the continuum of prepress-press-postpress. Failure to think things through in this way inevitably leads to poor decision-making and half measures that can severely limit a company’s overall efficiency and ultimately its profitability.
The modular approach to finishing developed by the experts at MBO provides printers with finishing solutions that can expand or adapt as the customer’s business grows or as job demands change—the key to staying ahead of the event-based, time-sensitive marketing strategies embraced by today’s print-buying organizations.
Included in the white paper are the stories of several printing companies that have gained major new efficiencies by embracing postpress as it can—and should—be practiced today.